Monday, December 13, 2010

Ho Ho Ho

We are getting ready for Christmas at our house. We went to Temple Square with our cousins. Here is Landon showing off his warm mittens and Jadyn is smiling in the background. We had a great time, but didn't take very many pictures.

Here is Landon practicing being a reindeer.We got a pomegranate, and Landon thoroughly enjoyed it.
We made Christmas trees with ice cream cones. Landon loved making his and then getting to eat it. Matthew ate frosting until we took it away and that was good for him.

Merry Christmas!


Ben and Lacy said...

Looks like fun at your house.

Martha said...

That looks like fun! Can't wait too see you guys next week!

Andrea said...

Love those trees! I will have to do that next year.