Matthew is getting chubby cheeks!
We bought some cherries, and this was the first time Landon had tried them. This is what he did while I was on the phone. Yes the stains came out of his clothes with OxyClean.
Matthew got this cute bib from a lady in our ward.
Matthew is getting a double chin as well. :)
Landon got to wear one of his birthday hats right when he woke up. He was so excited it was his birthday. We had a lot of fun.
Here is my attempt at a Curious George cake. It doesn't look exactly like him, but Landon liked it, and I guess that is all that matters.
Matthew had fun at the party too.
Landon was amazed by the candles. He called them fireworks.
We had a great birthday. Grandma Jana came over for the party. Landon got some fun toys and he's been playing with them ever since. It was fun to see him so excited.