Landon is getting so big. He looks like such a big boy in his "boy jammies" as he calls them.
He had a recent encounter with the banister at the bottom of the stairs. He was running around like a crazy man playing and he tripped on the rug and flew into the banister. He hit really hard and I thought for sure there was going to be blood and a cut in need of stitches. His forehead was dented in, but the skin didn't break, so we didn't have to make trip to the doctor. This picture was taken a couple of days later. Hi cheek was still bruised and his forehead had a scratch.
Potty Breaks - Landon takes potty breaks. He runs in the bathroom. Sometimes he puts the toilet seat up, sometimes he just stands there. But, he really does go to the bathroom and usually comes out and tells me I need to change his diaper. If the bathroom door is closed Landon finds me fast looking like he is going to wet his pants. He says "Oh door, closed." We aren't sure how young to start potty training, but it seems like he is getting the idea.
You can tell we've been to the doctor a lot lately when Landon is playing with his cars and says "Bye, See ya, I'm going to the doctor." I guess he does like it because I usually bribe him with treats to be quiet, and he gets to ride in an elevator.
If offered a bandaid Landon puts it straight on his neck, because that is where bandaids go. I guess my 'bandaid' on my neck was the first time he has seen bandaids a lot. :)